How to Ask your manager to invest in your development

Need help asking your manager to invest in your growth and development? Try sending the message below.

Training Request

Email Template

Hi [manager name]!

I’ve been considering how our team can become more effective and I’m confident it starts with team training. Specifically, our team could use a refresher on [skills the team can improve] skills to [why or how these skills will improve the team and company]. I believe participating in training together can help us build team camaraderie, learn from each other, and be able to better collaborate with one another. 

From my research, I found Jesse Nguyen from Feed Learning to be a knowledgeable training facilitator who focuses on changing individual behaviors into habits. Her training sessions are short, modern, and interactive, and something I know our team would enjoy. Here is more information about her training courses and style of training.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need more information.

Thank you,
[your name]

Here’s a sample of what that email could look like.

Training Request

Example Email

Hi Gina!

I’ve been considering how our team can become more effective and I’m confident it starts with team training. Specifically, our team could use a refresher on Presentation and Public Speaking skills to become more engaging and impactful when presenting our financial updates to the senior leadership team. I believe participating in training together can help us build team camaraderie, learn from each other, and be able to better collaborate with one another. 

From my research, I found Jesse Nguyen from Feed Learning to be a knowledgeable training facilitator who focuses on changing individual behaviors into habits. Her training sessions are short, modern, and interactive, and something I know our team would enjoy. Here is more information about her training courses and style of training.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need more information.

Thank you,