Coaching and Developing Others
What this looks like:
Builds rapport with employees to better understand their career goals and takes steps to optimize the employee’s potential
Exercises courage when providing timely feedback, mentorship, and coaching to help employees learn and grow
Listens and asks questions to understand employee’s point of view
Helps employees identify their strengths and areas of opportunity and visualize how they’re going to achieve their career goal
On-the-job practice
Provide a hybrid learning approach. Everyone learns at a different pace so provide a range of avenues where people can learn at their best.
Try this: For self-paced learning, recommend your employees online trainings (Udemy,, Safari Books, etc.), articles, books, podcasts (use the Feed Learning Archive),
Try this: For on-the job practice, offer job-shadowing, allow the individual to join a task force, assign a project that helps the individual develop a particular skillset, or use these challenges from the Feed Learning Archive.
Facilitate a learning culture. As a manager, you set the tone for growth and development on your team. As much as possible, incorporate ‘learning moments’ throughout your meetings, processes, projects, etc.
Try this: Dedicate at least one 1:1 meeting per quarter to discuss each employee’s personal development. To guide the conversation, have your employee fill out this Career Development Plan and update it on a quarterly basis.
Try this: Hold a pre- and post-training conversation with the individual to discuss goals and items the employee hopes to learn (pre-training), and debrief on what the employee actually learned (post-meeting) and how he/she can incorporate the lessons on the team. These conversations can be during your weekly 1:1’s.
Try this: If an individual attends a training, seminar, conference, etc., encourage him/her to spend 5-10 minutes to highlight the key learnings during the next team meeting. Allowing the individual to teach the lesson to the team will help him/her master and apply the skill (teaching is mastery), and the team will benefit from the new information.
Ask more questions and give less answers. People retain information better when they go through the thought process of finding out the answers versus being handed the answer.
Try this: When an individual asks you a question or solicits your advice, resist the impulse to answer them right away. Instead, return the question back to them and allow them to share their thoughts—this will help them build their confidence plus give you time to think about your answer, too. E.g., What are your thoughts? What do you recommend? Why? The more opportunity you give employees to share their opinions and ideas, the more empowered they feel to continue to add value to the team.
Try this: Conduct a debrief after each project to help individuals learn from their past experience. There are three simple questions to ask: What went well? What could have been improved? What would you do differently next time?
Know your employee’s motivation. People are more productive and engaged when they enjoy the work they do and understand how they add value to the company. Learn more about your employee to help tailor their projects to their interests.
Try this: Ask each employee what they’re truly passionate about and what they enjoy most about their job e.g., What do you like most about your job? What type of projects interest you most? Why? In what type of environment do you do your best work?
Try this: Conduct an [anonymous] engagement survey to learn more about the temperature of your team. Use the results to help create a more positive environment for the employees to learn and grow. Engagement survey questions can include: What do you like most about your job? What do you need from your manager to succeed at work? What keeps you motivated at work?
Resources for more inspiration
Center for Creative Leadership: What It Takes to Coach Your People by CCL
Center for Management & Organization Effectiveness: 10 Effective Coaching Strategies to Help Drive Your Team to Success by CMOE
Forbes: 16 Powerful Questions Coaches Ask Clients to Achieve Their Goals by Forbes Coaches Council
Forbes: Five Coaching Practices to Accelerate the Growth of Others by Kevin Cashman
Harvard Business Review: 4 Reasons Managers Should Spend More Time Coaching by Joseph Weintraub and James Hunt
Huffington Post: The Best Leaders Develop Others by Coaching by Caroline Dowd-Higgins
Ideas.Ted: The Five Types of Mentors You Need in Your Life by Julia Fawal
FYI For Your Improvement by Michael Lombardo & Robert Eichinger - Chapter 7: Caring about Direct Reports
FYI For Your Improvement by Michael Lombardo & Robert Eichinger - Chapter 12: Conflict Management
FYI For Your Improvement by Michael Lombardo & Robert Eichinger - Chapter 13: Confronting Direct Reports
FYI For Your Improvement by Michael Lombardo & Robert Eichinger - Chapter 19: Developing Direct Reports
FYI For Your Improvement by Michael Lombardo & Robert Eichinger - Chapter 20: Directing Others
FYI For Your Improvement by Michael Lombardo & Robert Eichinger - Chapter 34: Managerial Courage
EIM Inside Leadership Podcast: Develop Yourself and Develop Others by Daphne Scott (20m 5s)
The Remarkable Leadership Podcast: The Master Coach with Gregg Thompson by Kevin Eikenberry (27m 50s)
TED Talk: How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek (17m 58s)
TED Talk: The Power of Believing That You Can Improve by Carol Dweck (10m 21s)
TED Talk: The Puzzle of Motivation by Daniel Pink (18m 33s)
TED Talk: What It Takes to be a Great Leader by Roselinde Torres (9m 16s)
TED Talk: What Makes Us Feel Good About Our Work? by Dan Ariely (20m 23s)
TED Talk: Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe by Simon Sinek (11m 56s)
TED Talk: Why We Do What We Do by Tony Robbins (21m 41s)
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