Delivering Feedback
Course Summary
The Foundations of Feedback
When delivering feedback to an employee, refrain from using judgments (vague opinions, debatable). Instead, focus on behaviors (facts, hard to debate against). Ask yourself, “What did the employee do or say to make me think this judgment of them?”
Many times, the reason why it feels like a “difficult conversation” or “bad news” is because you’ve waited too long to give the feedback. Reframe the conversation in a positive or neutral light—you’re “developing” the other person, and you “care” about their success.
The BIR Feedback Model
Behavior, Impact, Request.
Let the employee know the Behavior they exhibited, the Impact their behavior made on their job, the team, or the organization, and your Request of them.
When employees know the positive or negative impact of their behavior, they’ll know whether to continue or correct their behavior.
Level 1: Request only. Level 2: Behavior + Request. Level 3: Behavior + Impact + Request.
To document performance conversations, email the employee and summarize the discussion plus the next steps. You can end the email with “Would you agree this summarizes our discussion?” or “How can I support you?”
Remember to document both constructive and positive feedback.
To build a culture of feedback, provide more positive feedback than constructive feedback.
Managing Emotions
Employees tend to react in an emotional way when they feel misunderstood.
Be curious, not judgmental. Instead of thinking “They need to stop being defensive,” be curious and ask the individual how they feel and why they feel that way.
Practice empathy and seek to understand them. Once people feel understood, they are more willing to cooperate with you and listen to your request.
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